1. Let the person you are dating know that they can speak to you about their Disability. While you shouldn't hound them for information, you should let them know that you are there for them when they want to talk about it.
2. Plan virtual dates when they cannot leave home! Disabled Folx may sometimes have a harder time leaving home, owing to flare ups or because of their constraints. Planning virtual dates when such situations arise can ensure that they don't feel like they are missing out.
3. Integrate accessibility into your dating naturally. There may be needs your partner has which are visible or which they have spoken to you about. Make sure you remember and ensure that you do not plan dates which are inaccessible for them!
4. Don't guilt them for being unable to do what an able bodied partner can. It is unfair to hold your partner to the same standards as others! Be kind about their needs, and recognise that their Disability is a part of them, so you should not be angry or upset about it.
5. Don't be too upset when they are forced to shift dates or change plans. Disabilities can be unpredictable at times, and so if your partner is unable to make it to a date, be understanding.
6. Make your dates low pressure and low effort. Often Disabled folx have limited spoons and dates which require significant travel or effort can tire them out for a few days. Keep your dates light and fun, limit travel time, and go to comfortable places!
7. Involve them in planning! In the beginning of your dating journey, you may not know the Accessibility needs of your partner. A good strategy then is to plan with them, give them options and allow them to communicate with you when an idea doesn't work for them.
8. Be supportive if they have sudden symptoms during their date with you. This means asking them how you can help, and doing what they ask you because they have the most experience with their body!